Teracom Training Institute is a world leader in telecommunications training for non-engineering professionals, providing instructor-led training courses, DVD-video courses, textbooks and online learning and certification in the subject areas: telecommunications training, wireless training, VoIP training, IP networking and MPLS training.Getting a handle on telecommunications can be a challenge. Jargon and buzzwords are perhaps the biggest obstacles... everyone speaking in techno-gibberish flying over your head.The gaps in your knowledge are frustrating and cause you to less efficient and effective than you could be.At Teracom, we specialize in explaining the jargon, buzzwords and technologies - and most importantly, the underlying ideas ... and how it all fits together.Taking a Teracom training course, you'll build structured understanding that lasts a lifetime. You will be more confident, more accurate and more productive.Get an unbiased big-picture view and the knowledge you need to ask the right questions, make meaningful comparisons and informed decisions.Plus, get Certification from the Telecommunications Certification Organization to prove it!Live, in-person training, where you can ask questions and interact with other students is the best kind of training you can get. An expert instructor in a classroom environment ensures that you will stay focused and learn without distractions.Teracom's high-quality online courses are delivered in Google Chrome or Puffin browsers on any Windows or mac desktop or laptop, iPad, android tablet or phone with an internet connection... to any number of people, anywhere, anytime.Ideal self-paced "telecom for Non‑Engineers" training, courses are divided into lessons. Stay on a lesson for as long as you like, move to the next lesson and write the course exam only when ready.