Liveon Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. (LTL) is a company driven by a group of professionals with background in Radio Frequency, Analog and Digital Electronics with particular expertise in cutting edge RF/EMI Shielding Enclosures to provide easy access to equipment in a tightly controlled RF-free test environment. In addition to this we also offer RF maintenance services and custom built products.Liveon Technolabs brings a truly unique combination of technical skills, real world experience and knowledge of the industry that are relevant to all aspects of wireless networks.We innovative designs for industrial applications. LTL RF shielding is a new generation solution for smaller RF Enclosures and a major step up in terms of isolation, robustness and ease of use. Its solid construction, equipped with high speed data filters and thorough design makes the test setup easy to access and, most importantly,impervious to interference. It is a very suitable shielded environment for both conductive (performance oriented) and radiated (functional) tests and easy to move around.