Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review is an online and print-on-demand literary and art journal published in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The first mission of FLAR has always been to provide a space for writers in the Fredericksburg region to share their poems, creative nonfiction, and short fiction. With the addition of visual arts, FLAR now offers a platform for our regional artists to share their work with the world, as well. A second part of our mission is to connect writers and artists from around Virginia to people in our region, and with our outreach through submission sites like New Pages, ReviewReview, Submittable, and Duotrope, we are also extending our collaboration to writers and artists around the world. These are dynamic times for our magazine, and every new contact we make allows us to share the wealth of creative talent in Fredericksburg with the world beyond.We are looking for fresh writing and art submissions from emerging and established writers and artists. Our submission windows are open in September and March of each year. Two panels of experienced writers and artists choose pieces for the magazine though a blind submission process. Since we don't use guiding themes to choose work, we look for a strong clear voice with a keen eye toward the intended audience. We look for word craft and fluidity of language. We also look for universal themes that would resonate with many readers.We publish online twice a year in May and November. Print copies are available through our online hosting site.