Amy Bridan's Company Details
Cottonwood Heights, UT, US • 5 - 9 Employees
Transforming Lives in Mali, West AfricaOuelessebougou Alliance is non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. The "Alliance" was founded in 1986 to give Utahns the opportunity to serve a specific African community - knowing that their assistance was going directly to the people for whom it was intended. The Alliance's mission is to work in partnership with local villagers to transform the quality of life in the Ouelessebougou region of Mali, West Africa by delivering sustainable programs in health and education. The Alliance partners with 25 villages in and around the Ouelessebougou commune and over 23,500 villagers are on the path to sustainability.
and Economic self-reliance for Africa
Sustainable Programming
Effective Training
Healthy Villages
Village Leadership & Councils
Health Training
Disease Prevention
Wells & Water
Gardens & Nutrition
Women's Health
Specialized Healthcare
Medical Expeditions
Literate Villages
Teacher Training & Supervision
Education Councils
Emphasis on Girls'​ Enrollment
Adult Literacy
School Construction
School Supplies
Village Leadership & Councils
Wells & Water
Gardens & Nutrition
Women's Health
Teacher Training & Supervision
Emphasis on Girls'​ Enrollment
Nonprofit Organization Management