Accurate Acoustical is a commercial Interior Contractor, servicing Central/Southern/Western New York. With office locations in Victor, NY and Binghamton, NY. In our Victor office we also have a Service Department that covers the same market.While you seldom see "Interior Contractor" listed on project signs or notices, we play as important a role in a project as any contractor. In most cases our work touches close to every part of a building. This website will define and explain what we do and hopefully what we are about.Accurate Acoustical is all about its people. I truly believe we have the greatest quality people in our industry. From the skilled craftsmen who take great pride in their workmanship, to our management team that averages well over 30 years of experience in our industry.As you navigate through our page, it is our hope that you not only find the information you are looking for, but begin to realize the intangibles that Accurate can bring to you. These intangibles include team philosophy, high skill levels, strict safety procedures, long term goals (not quick profits), cost saving measures, major experience, customer satisfaction management, large bonding capacity, quick service department, commitment to our clients' needs, and much more. Accurate was formed in 1992 and in that time we have self-performed hundreds of millions of dollars of work. We fully understand the importance of completion dates, staying on a budget, quality workmanship, professionalism, and responding to problems and or issues.