Systems of Care Family Support Provider at Indian Health Care Resource Center - Tulsa, OK, US
Indian Health Care Resource Center of Tulsa (IHCRC) is a 501(c)(3) organization providing quality, comprehensive health care to Native Americans. IHCRC is funded through a contract with Indian Health Services, third party reimbursement, state and federal grants, private foundations and donors, and its annual fundraiser The Dance of the Two Moons. Utilizing a patient-centered, multidisciplinary, medical home approach, IHCRC offers a full range of health and wellness services tailored to the Indian community. Services include: Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Optometry, Dental, Pharmacy, Transportation, Behavioral Health, Health Education and Wellness, Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention, and Youth Programs focused on traditions, health, and leadership skills. With more than 18,000 active patients representing in excess of 150 Tribes, IHCRC provides more than 126,000 patient encounters each year to improve the general health status and reduce the incidence and severity of chronic disease of the urban Indian community.