Amy Dunstan

General Manager at Universal Practice - Fitzroy, VIC, AU

Amy Dunstan's Contact Details
Universal Practice
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Universal Practice

Fitzroy, VIC, AU • 20 - 49 Employees
Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services

Founded in 2016, Universal Practice has three reputable practices in Melbourne - Richmond, Fitzroy and Malvern Rd. Our offerings include individualised Hands-on Physiotherapy Appointments and Clinical Classes (3:1), and our Group Class model consists of Reformer, Strength & Conditioning and Yoga Classes.Universal Practice physiotherapists are experts in managing acute and sporting injury, chronic pain, pre and post surgical rehabilitation, overuse injury, chronic disease, pre and post natal care and general musculoskeletal conditions.Universal Practice is proudly home to UP Edu, the only Australian Physiotherapy Accredited Pilates Course - designed specifically for the physiotherapy industry. Our syllabus has undergone a rigorous review to ensure relevance, competency and an evidence-based framework. UP Edu is run 3-4 times per calendar year for physiotherapists and physiotherapy students.In 2019, Universal Practice developed the Carlton Football Club Hip & Groin Program. A program run in our studios, by our physiotherapists for players with lumbar, pelvic and hip conditions. The program is designed to prevent injury, rehabilitate and maximise performance.In addition to the CFC Hip & Groin Program, Universal Practice run the Carlton Football Club, and Hawthorn Football Club Yoga Programs to address physiology, healing, recovery and mindfulness.Pioneering the medical landscape, Universal Practice are set to launch a never been seen before online offering in coming months - watch this space.The Universal Practice workplace fosters collaboration, shared knowledge and positivity. The Universal Practice team are hard workers, team players, agile thinkers and have excellent interpersonal skillsInternally, Universal Practice is committed to learning and best-practice physiotherapy. Our Professional Development Program comprises a mixture of tutorials, clinical case studies, external presenters and external course allowance.

Details about Universal Practice
Frequently Asked Questions about Amy Dunstan
Amy Dunstan currently works for Universal Practice.
Amy Dunstan's role at Universal Practice is General Manager.
Amy Dunstan's email address is *** To view Amy Dunstan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Amy Dunstan works in the Health, Wellness & Fitness industry.
Amy Dunstan's colleagues at Universal Practice are Sammy Wilson, Emma Rundgren, Sarah Wolff, Abby Kretser, Imogen Sist, Andrew Prowse, Anna Richards and others.
Amy Dunstan's phone number is N/A
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