Someone in the UK is diagnosed with a blood cancer every 16 minutes.That's more than 34,000 people every year. At Leukaemia UK, we understand that behind every diagnosis are families and individuals who need help.We will support those affected by blood cancer, and their family and friends, through the physical, psychological and financial uncertainty that lies ahead.For 40 years Leukaemia UK has been working to fund innovative and effective research into finding a cure and better treatments for leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood disorders.We work with hospitals and clinicians to improve the care for people living with blood cancer and fund research into better, kinder ways of treating the disease.Leukaemia UK helps fund large projects, such as research centres and new wards, but never forgets that small things make a big difference too.That might be paying for a specially adapted taxi to take you to your daughter's wedding or buying a fridge for your treatment room so you can have a soothing cool cloth when you need it.We don't always know what you'll need because everyone is different. But we'll help if we can.Thanks to the generous support of individual fundraisers, payroll givers and family trusts, Leukaemia UK has made a significant and lasting difference to leukaemia treatment in Britain.Leukaemia UK relies completely on voluntary donations. Please help us support people affected by leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood disorders by donating to Leukaemia UK today.