Needle Stack was founded by students, in collaboration with educators, as a response to our experience with technology in education. For too long, answering "how does technology fit into the classroom?" has been about copying the same methodologies that have existed for 150+ years to a digital medium. Principally, this has meant facilitating information and assignment distribution. Key strokes have simply taken the place of riffling through files. While this is a good start, it is time that we – the education industry - begin to meld the classroom and technology together. Today, we should embrace digital-native education. This is not the end of pen and paper. This is about thoughtful application of technology where it is more effective than legacy tools.How professors conduct lectures and teachers lead their classrooms, with the help of technology, is a question that requires continual experimentation, evaluation and close collaboration between those in the classroom and those making digital tools.Needle Stack is committed to facilitating and engaging in these conversations so that our products can fulfill actual needs, not just serve as flashy props for one-off projects. Collaboration and accessibility are core to our design philosophy. Our support offerings and highly competitive pricing are exemplification of our commitment to these ideals from day one, and mark a promise by Needle Stack to continually ask "what is best for students? What is best for educators? How can we help better prepare the next generation?"