account manager and federal grant compliance at Thompson Information Services⢠- Bethesda, Maryland, US
Since 1972, thousands of professionals in business, government, law and academia have relied on Thompson Information Services for the most authoritative, timely and practical guidance available. Throughout the years, these professionals have come to rely on Thompson for help complying with the ever-changing regulatory mandates facing their organizations in a variety of areas. These areas include: -Human resources -Retirement plans and employee benefits -Grantseeking and grants management -Food & Drug -Environment and Energy -Health Care -State and local funding -Securities regulation The trusted guidance we provide has never been needed more. Maybe that’s why nearly 90% of our customers choose to stay with us year-after-year. They value our content and appreciate that we work hard to earn the right to serve them. In an age of information overload, our customers know they can count on us for authoritative and practical guidance — and save time getting it. Our approach is simple. We constantly monitor regulatory trends affecting business and government. As new developments occur our national network of authors — all of whom are recognized leaders in their fields — and our team of accomplished in-house editorial experts act quickly to provide needed insight to customers. Working together, they bring you the very best in analysis and “how to” compliance tools. This approach is the major reason why our products are widely-acknowledged to be the best in their fields. We encourage you to see for yourself. Please take a tour of our site, or call our Customer Service Team at 1-800-677-3789, to see how we can be of help.