Founded in 1991 under a separate name we develop, procure and support mainly non-profit media such as Websites, Publications and other cutting-edge technologies which we adapt for the dissemination of Scientific/Medical info for lay audience consumption. Our belief is that the most crucial element in effective public and media relations is the irreplaceable gold-standard combination of solid-quality useful content presented in an easily digestible and genuinely attractive media format. There is no substitute. For instance with Dopadoc Parkinson's we firmly believe that "you don't have to be a brain surgeon to understand the brain," and our thankful cadre of regular registered users spans over 51 countries on every continent. We never waste our audience's valuable time and mind-space. Growing a genuinely appreciative following of users/consumers who find our content and its format easy-to-digest and genuinely useful, trumps traditional in-your-face media-blitz PR formats. We strive for quality and usability. We also see ourselves as a more personal less "traditionally-professional-looking" media presence. We are the faded comfy denim in a world of Red Carpet couture gowns and tuxedos...think Grateful Dead vs. Celine Dion. We're not for everyone and we believe that's a good thing...a very good thing.