Vireo Advisors is an international expert advising firm dedicated to advancing the commercialization of safer and environmentally preferable technologies through the evaluation and translation of sound science into practice. We collaborate with organizations seeking the best evidence to support decision making about emerging materials and products. Our work helps decision makers understand the benefits of new technologies, and technology developers to be proactive in managing uncertainty and risk. We are experts in bio-based substance evaluations, environmental and energy issues, health and environmental risk analysis, technology and market assessments, climate and water issues, sustainability, and environmental aspects of nanotechnology. We analyze and translate complex technical information into solutions that can be practically implemented and clearly communicated.Vireo develops safety and sustainability strategies for bio-based and nanoscale technology development and innovation. We work internationally to evaluate the benefits and impacts of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, to improve product design and development and to encourage the use of state-of-the-art science to inform policy and decision making.Vireo Advisors is committed to the use of good science to inform environmentally sustainable product development and decision making. We are reliable business advisors, and use an integrated and proactive approach to assessing the potential impacts of innovations to reduce business risk and inform product design in real time.