The Romanian Red Cross assists vulnerable people in situations of disasters and crisis, helps to prevent and alleviate suffering in all its forms.The Romanian Red Cross Society is a humanitarian organization member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, ancillary to the public authority and empowered by law to provide humanitarian assistance in the event of disasters and to support vulnerable people.The Romanian Red Cross is the only humanitarian organization with a functional network throughout the country. With 47 branches, 1,996 subfilies and 1,307 commissions, the Red Cross benefits from a unique structure built over 135 years of humanitarian activity. Thus, the organization is present at every territorial level: county, city, commune and village.County subsidiaries - have sub-subordinate subordination and commissions. The sub-projects operate at city and village level, and committees are institution-based.Branches of the Bucharest-based sectors are subordinated only to committees, which operate at enterprise level, educational units and economic units.Coordination of the activity is carried out by the Central Headquarters of the Romanian Red Cross.