Nobu, the world renowned Japanese restaurant recognized for pioneering a new-style Japanese cuisine, started as a business partnership in 1994 between Chef Nobu Matsuhisa and his partners: actor Robert De Niro, producer Meir Teper, and restaurateur Drew Nieporent. Originating in New York as the flagship restaurant, the Nobu brand is now an empire that spans across five continents, with international locations in London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Milan, the Bahamas, Melbourne, Dubai, Cape Town, Moscow, Mexico City, Budapest, Perth, Monte Carlo, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Doha, Marbella, Ibiza, São Paulo, Los Cabos and the seasonal Montenegro and national locations in Las Vegas, Malibu, Miami Beach, Dallas, San Diego, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Lana'i, Newport Beach, Palo Alto, Washington DC, and Houston. The global Nobu enterprise recently expanded to include Nobu Hotels with locations in Las Vegas, Manila, Miami, Malibu, Palo Alto, Marbella, Ibiza, London, Cabo and Barcelona, with more to follow. Nobu restaurants, simultaneously a visual and culinary delight, continue to receive unprecedented praise and rave reviews from publications such as the New York Times, the Zagat Surveys, and the Michelin Guides. The restaurants' popularity and devoted following are a tribute to Chef Nobu Matsuhisa's innovation in traditional Japanese cooking.