Reality-Based Leadership is a revolutionary philosophy developed by Cy Wakeman, an international keynote speaker, business consultant, and New York Times bestselling author. Grounded in reality, Wakeman's philosophy teaches people how to turn excuses into results and transform unhappy employees into accountable, successful members of the workforce. With her 20 years of success working with thousands of organizations, Wakeman has designed multiple sustainability options to help hardwire Reality-Based principles into your workforce and support the message of personal accountability long into the future. Companies we have partnered with include New York Presbyterian, National Institutes of Health, Hallmark, Verizon Wireless, TD Ameritrade, and many more! Join the Reality-Based Revolution and find peace in your life.www.RealityBasedLeadership.comTwitter: @RBLeadersFacebook: /RBLeadersInstagram: @RBLeadersYouTube: