Professora Colaboradora at Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Paraná State University) - Paranavaí, Paraná, Brazil
The Universidade Estadual do Paraná - Unespar (Paraná State University) is an institution of higher education administered by the Government of the Paraná State. This is a university that has campus all over the Paraná State, in cities that have cultural and historical roots as different as Apucarana, Campo Mourão, Curitiba, Paranaguá, Paranavaí, and União da Vitória. Despite the challenges that every multi-campi institution encounters, Unespar is one of the most integrated universities of Southern Brazil.Unespar offers 68 undergraduate (bachelor's degree and teacher-training courses) and 10 graduate courses (masters degree) in different fields of knowledge. The core values of the Unespar is the pursuit and promotion of citizenship, democracy, cultural diversity, sustainable behaviour, and human development. It has as mission offer an environment for the development and dissemination of innovative knowledge in fields such as Sciences, Arts and Technology.