Maestra de enseñanza primaria at Alegra British & International School - Majadahonda, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Tutora de Primaria, responsable de talleres de educacion afectivosexual en Primaria
Alegra is a young school: we opened in September 2011 as the result of the commitment of a group of parents who were seeking for their daughters education of quality, based not only on the latest educational innovations, but also on the teaching of virtues through personalized education. To help each student to attain her best is our leitmotiv.From the day of our foundation the school has grown in the number of students, families and teachers… in people.We believe that, given the right conditions, the children of today will achieve extraordinary things tomorrow, and, what is more important, that they will be able to change the world, whatever their individual abilities. At Alegra, we wish to educate our students to become good people, good professionals and good Christians, who will be able to take on the world with the maturity, ambition, skills and the attitudes necessary to achieve their goals.Early Years Foundation Stages in Alegra includes Nursery and Reception classes (1º and 2º of Infantil). This stage follows British National Curriculum. Read more at: Primary Stage in Alegra covers Year 1 (5 year olds) to Year 6 (11 year olds) and it is divided into two stages (key stages). Key Stage 1 (5-7 years) and Key Stage 2 (7-11 years). Just like in Early Years, the Primary Stage in Alegra follows the British system. Read more at: the Secondary Stage at Alegra, from 12 to 16 years old, we implement the Middle Years Program (MYP), of the International Baccalaureate ® (IB). Alegra is an applicant school for the IB (international Baccalaureate ® DP and MYP programs. Read more at: