We are a boutique consulting firm, helping leaders and employees to increase resilience, build capacity, and optimize performance in all aspects of their life – 1 change at a time. We are on a heartfelt mission to enhance leadership and humanize work for organizations, thereby contributing to a healthier and more sustainable society. We strengthen organizations, families, and relationships by helping individuals to expand their awareness and capacity around Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit. Our holistic approach is designed to empower those who want to be better equipped for volatile times and be inspiring role models in all aspects of their life.We are based in Copenhagen and New York and work with clients globally. We have worked with 40+ global clients, including many industry leaders. More than 5.000 senior executives, leaders, talents, and employees in 15+ countries have participated in our Resilience Programs over the past 13 years. For further information, please visit our website www.1change.onlineOUR DNA1 Change was founded in 2008 in Copenhagen, where design, innovation and sustainability go hand in hand with an excellent work-life balance and advanced digitized public services.PASSIONWe love to develop tools that empower leaders and employees to unfold their potential in both their professional and personal life.SIMPLICITYWe identify particular new routines for each individual that lead to deep and lasting transformation – one change at a time.EMBODIMENTWe bridge the gap between theory and practice through experiential learning.BLENDED LEARNING APPROACHWe combine digital technology with human interactions to secure maximum impact.SAFE SPACEWe create a non-judgmental and caring environment that allows individuals to connect to their vulnerabilities, a prerequisite for breaking through resistance.