Nanhe Pakshi began spreading its wings and leaped to new heights in very short period oftime. NGO instituted from the slums of Kashmere Gate soon expanded till Yamuna KhadarSlum, Chowki no 4 slum, Azadpur and Lal Bagh slums of Delhi by 2019. Prime focus of thisnovel NGO is on education, women empowerment to include domestic violence, familyplanning, girl education & menstrual hygiene and ethical development of the society. Toachieve their goals Nanhe Pakshi abide by the motto of " Dil se Seva" with its locus onvolunteering. The volunteering tasks of the NGO have two subsets - Project Paathsala &Project Unnati. Paathsala focuses on tutoring and grooming of kids of slums. Ms Kashyapensures that all kids from the slums where she works are admitted to schools. Distributionof school uniforms, shoes, school bags and stationary is carried out in govt schools andslums frequently. For the aesthetic growth of kids painting, music, dance & writing classesare conducted regularly in slums. A commotion of children running around & shouting ‘Pallavi Didi aa gayi" is a common affair on a Sunday morning in these slums.Nanhe Pakshi has also been working for well being of sex workers on GBRoad, Delhi by providing them essential mental & health care. NGO have been activelyengaged in highlighting the discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ community. Nanhe Pakshi isshowing a great initiative during this pandemic of COVID-19 and has provided ration kits andessential items to 1000+ families in collaboration with Delhi Govt.