Customer Support & Project Manager at Amberstone Digital - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Data is the lifeblood of any modern business. Data provides insight into how your business is doing at any given moment – allowing you tomake informed decisions and run your businesses effectively.Why then, is pulling reports so often a time-consuming, frustrating, and ultimately, inaccurate process?Amberstone Analytics seeks to solve this problem with a holistic, customer-centric approach. We provide high-quality consulting andtechnology solutions to businesses that combine cutting-edge technologies and time-tested principles. This gives you the time and tools youneed to focus on what you do best.We have experience that runs the full gamut of data integration challenges: from end-of-life software and AS400 mainframes, to moderncloud systems running distributed storage and processing.Not all businesses are alike. We tailor-make integration solutions to fit your operating environment, operational capacity, regulatoryconstraints and training needs. As a neutral partner, we don't evangelise any one vendor's solution - instead, we work with what you've already got, and add only what is necessary.Pop us a mail or give us a call to talk about your business challenge.