In today's world, the art of content remains the biggest challenge facing media professionals, be it audio or visual. At its core, Content Plus stands as the main channel through which content is created and communicated through all its platforms - satellite channels, broadcast channels, or online channels. Founded in 2016, Content Plus is first and foremost based on an idea, an imagination and a talent. Our founder comes with a rich portfolio of expertise in the fields of media and publishing, coupled by solid relations with relevant regional and international institutions. Content Plus' business philosophy is one which strives to produce the highest quality of content, breaking into untapped areas of potential and reaping opportunities. We produce content and publish it in all its forms - electronically, printing, audible, and visual - in response to the needs of our clients and our community. Our philosophy is based on the trust of our clients, an awareness of our community's needs, and a commitment to challenging our understanding of reality. We believe in the importance of human talent, and in the need to investment in emerging skills and talents in our community. We seek to invest in human talents to empower our community. We know that this is what awaits us and are committed to making it a reality. offers media consultancies, format development for TV programs, talent management, campaigns development and management.