Sales Manager at Inter Study Consulting - Study in Ukraine - Odessa, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine
Your best assistant in getting quality and affordable education in Ukraine and Europe.Our company's team and our partners constantly provide applicants from all countries of the world with the opportunity to study in the most popular universities in Ukraine and Europe for many years. They learn professions that are most in demand today in accordance with the relevant training programs in Europe. INTER STUDY CONSULTING provides a full range of services for obtaining a higher education in Ukraine! From advice and assistance in choosing the institution for the future student before his /her arrival, to assistance in arrival and settling in the country, graduation, and assistance in subsequent employment in any country of the world, includes, of course, Ukraine.For 10 years our company provides an opportunity to study in top Universities of Ukraine & Europe for the students all over the world.You will pass the most actual training programs existing in Europe.You can choose the profession of your dream among more than 40 specialties which are in great demand nowadays.INTER STUDY CONSULTING provides all range of services for obtaining high education in Ukraine:We consult & help to choose the University,help to arrive to Ukraine, to enter the University & to settle down,Assist you with the graduating, getting the diploma & employment in any country including Ukraine.Near 60000 of students from all over the world study in Ukraine.There are more than 200 high schools that offer you to study in English.Our company actively participates in cultural and social spheres of life of our students.Nowadays it is in Ukraine you will find the most loyal mode of admission to the Universities for the foreigners.Parents of students from more than 10 countries rely on us in providing easy University entrance & education for their kids. We help to solve any problem in studying, accommodation and future employment in +380682251515