CONNECTING THE GLOBAL CIRCULAR COMMUNITYAs the world's population is growing, the demand for raw materials keeps increasing. To assure the future of enough food, water and prosperity, we need to look beyond the boundaries of our current linear economy. Replacing the conventional take-make-waste-model with a circular reduce-reuse-recycle mentality. To fuel this transition, and thereby contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, the Dutch government aims to create a fully functioning circular economy by 2050. At Holland Circular Hotspot we believe this calls for a profound transformation in the way we work and produce, but also in the way we design, teach, invest, and buy. That's why we are connecting the global circular community, by inspiring companies, knowledge instiution and governments to start new collaborations and create circular business opportunities together. STIMULATING CROSS-SECTORAL COLLABORATIONSTo make the transition to a complete circular economy, cross-sectoral partnerships are inevitable. At Holland Circular Hotspot we stimulate international partnerships by connecting governments, knowledge institutions and businesses. We also serve as a portal for foreign requests. Thanks to our extensive network we can always create a match with the right experts.SHARING KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION For many years the Netherlands has been a front runner in the circular transition. Dutch organisations and entrepreneurs have been innovating, and developing succesful circular business models for years. At Holland Circular Hotspot we aim to share our knowledge and best practices. At the same time, we are eager to learn from the experiences of other circular experts around the world. BOOSTING CIRCULAR ENTREPRENEURSHIPWe help Dutch and international companies and organisations finding the right partners to start- or scale up their circular business initiatives internationally.