The Renand Foundation is working to eliminate childhood slavery (restaveks) by building sustainable communities. There are currently more than 400,000 children in Haiti considered to be restaveks. These are children from families in rural communities whose parents don't have the means to care for all of their children. They will give their children to larger families in larger cities as they believe those families can provide a better life for the children. Unfortunately, this often leads to human trafficking and child slavery. Our belief is that through self-dependence and education we can help overcome this sad practice and provide a more positive and beneficial future for families.Today, we are an organization that has four schools, a medical clinic, a microloan program for women and three afterschool children centers, which provides after school support, tutoring, and meals. We build and repair homes, create industry, and provide medical/dental care. We are excited to be supporting our brothers and sisters in Haiti in building sustainable communities so that they can grow, prosper, and support their families, ultimately ending the restavek problem!