Andre Bispo

Técnico de manutenção elétrica Pleno at Suzano - São Paulo, State of São Paulo, BR

Andre Bispo's Colleagues at Suzano
Yasmin Lima

Engenheira de Meio Ambiente Jr.

Contact Yasmin Lima

Hugo Moreira

Mecânico de manutenção

Contact Hugo Moreira

Celeste Franco

Técnico em química

Contact Celeste Franco

Brenda Sena

Técnico de Segurança | Desenvolvimento corporativo

Contact Brenda Sena

Rafael Marcal

Gerente Planejamento Operações | PCP Florestal SP

Contact Rafael Marcal

Thais Arruda

Assistente administrativo

Contact Thais Arruda

View All Andre Bispo's Colleagues
Andre Bispo's Contact Details
+55 11 3503-9000
Três Lagoas,Mato Grosso do Sul,Brazil
Andre Bispo's Company Details
Suzano logo, Suzano contact details


São Paulo, State of São Paulo, BR • 20836 Employees

Suzano, the company resulting from the merger of Suzano Pulp & Paper and Fibria, is committed to being a global reference in the sustainable use of natural resources. The world's leading producer of eucalyptus pulp and one of Latin America’s largest paper producers, Suzano exports to more than 80 countries and, through its products, plays a part in the lives of over two billion people. With ten mills and the joint operation Veracel, Suzano has annual installed capacity of 10,9 million tons of market pulp and 1.4 million tons of paper. Suzano has more than 35,000 direct and indirect employees and for over 90 years has invested in innovative solutions based on eucalyptus cultivation that enable it to substitute the use of fossil-based materials with renewable bio-based materials. The company adopts the highest standards of corporate governance on the exchanges where its stock is traded, namely the B3 in Brazil and the NYSE in the United States. Check our job opportunities at

Renewable Materials Sustainable Paper Forestry Paper Sustainable Forest Management Forest Products Pulp Environmental Stewardship
Details about Suzano
Frequently Asked Questions about Andre Bispo
Andre Bispo currently works for Suzano.
Andre Bispo's role at Suzano is Técnico de manutenção elétrica Pleno.
Andre Bispo's email address is *** To view Andre Bispo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Andre Bispo works in the Wood/Paper industry.
Andre Bispo's colleagues at Suzano are Aline Mattos, Yasmin Lima, Hugo Moreira, Celeste Franco, Brenda Sena, Rafael Marcal, Thais Arruda and others.
Andre Bispo's phone number is +55 11 3503-9000
See more information about Andre Bispo