BALI Network is a multimedia broadband provider company that operates under PT. Bali Media Sarana. It is established in Bali on February 20015 ,providing multimedia infrastructure and high standard networking and all IT solution in Bali. Our services in multimedia communication and IT solution cover all sector such as government, hospitality industry, schools and universities, businesses, and the public.Service of IT solution that we provide : * Fast Internet Access * Broadband Multimedia Access( wireless) or fiber * Hot spot ( wi-fi ) instalation * Co-location and Web Hosting * VPN (Virtual Private Network) * CCTV and Alarm SystemFresh and creative ideas from a progressive team, has made Bali Medianet specially identified in IT industry in BaliIT Consultant , Internet service provider, Software development , Web Programmer, With commitment to provide the best service, sufficient infrastructure and personnel support, we are ready to be a great partner for you..