Cloud Solutions is the first Asian company to focus 100% on delivering Cloud technology to companies wishing to profit from adopting cloud computing. Our services include consultancy and migration man-power and technical support. Our Cloud applications offer a wide range of services from document management to hosted PBX services. Our lead partner is Google and our applications offer a level of integration with the Google Cloud Computing platform. Our hosted services allows entrepreneurs to start with one or two virtual desktops and grow.Cloud Shop provides the cost effective hardware designed for Cloud Computing. To leverage a company's Internet connection the Cloud Shop also provides, and installs, all hardware required for VoIP and UC (Unified Communications). Our key partners for Cloud PC's are Wyse and for VoIP are Polycom, Snom, Digium for Asterisk, and SwitchVox.* Cloud-PBX* Backup-2-Cloud* Hybrid Cloud for company file server* Hosted private cloud