The Co-Investor Group is a private equity investor focused on mid-sized companies in German-speaking countries - with offices in Zürich, Frankfurt am Main and Berlin. It has conducted direct investments for the last 19 years, supporting mid-sized companies in growth phases. Co-Investor seeks to invest €5 million to €25 million into companies with high growth potential and ideally positive cashflow.Co-Investor benefits from its stable network of entrepreneurs that provide investment capital as shareholders of the Group and co-investors for direct investments, as well as its professional investment team. Co-Investor builds on a wealth of experience from more than 50 private equity investments and currently has 12 active investments under management in various sectors. The most recent exits of the last 24 months include Euroimmun (sold to the US laboratory specialists Perkin-Elmer), Casualfood (partial exit to Orior) and Amicra (sold to the Asian mechanical engineering company ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.)The group consists of Co-Investor AG, Zürich, as well as its three wholly-owned subsidiaries of Co-Investor Deutschland GmbH, EVP Capital Management AG and Co-Investor Financial Services GmbH headquartered Frankfurt am Main.