At we believe that a new era of contract process is dawning. After years of stagnation and frustration caused by inefficient contract workflows centered around paper and email trails, complicated legal language and constant friction between legal and sales the time is ripe for change.We exist to create more valuable relationships. With our ai-powered contract software, we enable sales and legal to generate contracts 9-times faster and negotiate more valuable deals.Our software allows sales managers and legal counsels to keep track of the contracting process at any time. We accompany your contracts from the first draft, through internal and external negotiations, to electronic signature with subsequent analysis and evaluation. At we stand for innovation. With 50+ years of experience in professional services, we understand businesses from the inside. We have lived through the death valley of the contracting process several times over and have sworn to ourselves to make an end to this grueling experience. As a group of people that embrace technology, we found salvation in the application of web technologies and AI. We continue to live technology and strive for continuous development.