Leader of Teaching and Learning at Novo Education Space - Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Welcome to the Novo Education Space learning community.Our school strives to lift up young people, developing in them renewed hope, self-worth, autonomy and optimism. Our job is to help young people believe in themselves and to realise that they can shape their future and choose what it will be, regardless of what has come before.We acknowledge that staff, students and caregivers are all on a learning journey together and we work hard to make sure nobody gets left behind.We are committed to shaping the lives of young people so that they flourish and are positive contributors to their communities.Novo Education Space provides a safe, respectful and inclusive environment in which young people can explore learning, develop their potential, and be well-equipped to meet the challenges of education, work and life in the 21st Century.Our learning community culture is characterised by belonging, kindness, trust, courage, championing growth and unconditional positive regard for each member of the school community.Our learning and teaching practice is characterised by specialised strategies for healing, growth and achievement, with quality delivery of the NSW curriculum, a belief that every student can learn, progress and succeed, and a shared commitment to growth mindset and lifelong learning.Education re-imagined for young people in Years 9 to 12, with campuses in Wollongong, Bowral, Nowra and Vincentia, NSW.