TitleTeam is a boutique real estate settlement services agency headquartered in downtown Orlando catering to those industry professionals and consumers that prefer our concierge level attention to detail and proactive service culture.\\Developing custom tailored work flows, utilizing proprietary technology applications and maintaining our commitment to compliance, education and service are just a few of the ways we continue to empower our team to deliver on our core value proposition.\\A "value proposition" suggests why a consumer should buy a product or service over another and why that one specific product or service will add more value or better solve a problem than other similar options. \\Our team will be first in line to describe how we can offer a value proposition to you, your clients, your family and your business. We also recognize that these are merely words, so we invite you to judge us solely on our actions and behavior.\\ OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES\\• We believe in something greater than our own self-interest.\• We do what we say we will do for our clients, our customers and each other.\• We meet the world head-on as stand up, genuine and sincere professionals.\• We embrace creativity, independent critical thinking, the inevitability of change and relentlessly seek opportunities for personal and professional growth.\• Excellence comes from within; an individual attitude that dictates how successful we are as a team.\• We stay committed to our craft. As perpetual students we continue learning, we delve deeper and we do not rest on reputation.