"The fresh pasta division, Pasta Gioiosa, was created in 1988, after the Storti family decided to diversify its food products offering from the deli meat business, and to leverage on its artisan food preparation know how. The main objective of this new division was to promote the best typical Mantuan pasta and expand its offering to a larger market.Pasta Gioiosa offers a wide variety of fresh pasta products while the most popular remain the agnoli with meat and the tortelli with pumpkin. These pasta specialities have a strong tie with the culinary history of the Mantua region as they were typically prepared for the Holiday season going back to the early 1200's. Although these pasta specialties were among the preferred meals of the Gonzaga nobles during the Italian Renaissance, their recipes have a rural background. Indeed local farmers have created the original recipes using typical local fresh meat and vegetable products. For more than two decades, the Storti family perfected the handmade pasta preparation processes, respecting the traditional recipes and using only fresh ingredients in making every day the agnoli and tortelli, testament of the most precious culinary roots of the Mantuan region."