jefe de produccion y mantenimuento at Inter Caribbean Packaging - San Cristobal, San Cristobal, Dominican Republic
We are a leader in the manufacturing, conversion, and timely distribution of fl exible packaging materials and application equipment. We deliver custom integrated solutions designed specialy to each customer's individual marketing and manufacturing requirements.We have the technical and logistical support of core material, machinery and parts suppliers known for their leadership worldwide. Therefore, ICP offers highly competitive packaging solutions that combine the finest materials with strategically aligned application equipment. The result: Our customers benefi t from the latest technology, daily.We are actively engaged in the increasing production demands and value-added necessities of today's manufacturing and retail markets. In partnership with the insights and guidance of our manufacturing customers, we consistently attain the retail metrics measuring our customers' market penetration and market acceptance.Point of purchase appeal, maximum shelf life, excellent product security, consumer confi dence and convenience, plus product and logo integrity are the retail metrics we attain, daily.Our customized equipment and material supply systems provide elimination of downtime and increased inventory turns that result in bottom line benefi ts, daily.ICP has built a reputation based upon our consistent ability to provide solutions to the challenges and plans of each customer. We are an important source of integrated solutions.Please contact us via email at, or call us at: (809) 957-1848, fax (809) 957-2882.