InHouse Affairs is Toronto's avant-garde event planning company cultivating the way individuals view and plan their nightlife. As one of the most picturesque and flamboyant cities in Canada, Toronto has a one of kind entertainment industry offering a wide variety of venues to suit distinct styles and tastes. Hitting the scene early 2010, InHouse has transformed the way young professional experience nightlife. Making it big in a highly competitive market is hard but InHouse lends its success to their unique à la mode clientele, exquisite partnered-venues and their world renowned deejays.The masterminds behind InHouse Affairs, hosts Andrew A and Joel V, cultivated a fresh and distinct style much needed to the industry. Making them the most sought after event planners in the city. InHouse Affairs continues to market and correlate with successful companies and deejays to create an experience like none other. Make your night an InHouse Affair, and let their expertise bestow an unforgettable night of pure enjoyment.