Our Temp Rewards App engages and rewards temps' interaction with work using entertaining and fun gamification solutions; enabling them to earn ‘TempCoins' while they do their job. These can be earnt by registering, recommending friends, working more shifts, and delivering high quality care and gaining ratings similar to when you rate your ‘Uber' driver. ‘TempsCoins™' can then be cashed in for rewards, such as a weekly coffee voucher, early and enhanced pay, family day trips, gift vouchers and electronic goods. The aim of this is to help improve temp workers' ‘Social Mobility', in a sector where they are paid in and around the national minimum wage.Temp Rewards will display a leader board, showing Temps how many coins they've earnt, verses their peers and what level they are at and how they can move up levels. Temp Rewards will capitalise on the expediential growth of the gamification phenomenon, using a fun and interactive way to attract and retain more talent into our business, helping us to rapidly grow and become even more successful.