A volunteer led charity that raises money to give girls in Tanzania the opportunity to go to school so that they can be empowered to rise out of poverty. Tz Rising promotes the human right to education and to gender equality. Tz Rising gives the girls we assist financially more than just a formal education. We now also offer residential programs that empower the girls and educate them on issues that hinder girls completion of education. Issues such as: sex education, teen pregnancy, abuse and young marriage. Tz Rising aims to have become a self-sustaining charity in Old Moshi Tanzania, through investing in not-for-profit social enterprise, by 2018. From three hubs across three countries we operate a multi-disciplinary strategy to achieve our goals.Want to find out more about Tz Rising? Follow us on Twitter: @Tz_Rising , Instagram: @tz_rising, and Facebook:Tz-Rising. Website being launched soon! Interested in volunteering with Tz Rising? Contact Carys at carys@tzrising.org.