Photon Energy Conversion Specialist at Sun Cable - One International Tower Barangaroo, N/A, au
As an island nation, Singapore is reliant on imported Liquid Natural Gas for 95% of its electricity. This leaves Singapore's electricity consumers excessively exposed to the vagaries of global oil and gas pricing.Sun Cable will produce approximately a fifth of Singapore's electricity through solar power, sourced from the Australian desert and transmitted via a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) cable. Australia's strong relationship with Singapore, its stable economy, political and legal framework, will ensure security of supply for Singapore. The 15,000 hectare solar array near Tennant Creek in Australia's Northern Territory will be supported by battery storage. This will allow Singapore, and also the Northern Territory, to have a more diverse electricity supply, thereby increasing resilience and helping it meet its Paris Commitment greenhouse gas reduction targets. Community consultation will begin in late 2019.