@GFPantryAustGF Pantry was borne of the need to find gluten free food for the founders (Andy and Tina) two children that were diagnosed with Coeliac disease in June 2016. Although the general increase in awareness of gluten free diets has led to a wider choice of products in the market, the ease of sourcing them remains difficult.A typical weekly shop for a family looking for gluten free food could take two or three different stores to find all the products they wanted/needed. Then including the travel to the different stores and the need to read labels and assess products for suitability can make shopping incredibly time consuming and frustrating. After months of struggles Andy & Tina realised there was an opportunity to make GF shopping a lot easier and so armed with our their experiences they set out to do just that.GF Pantry focuses on offering a comprehensive range of gluten free foods. The aim is to be a one-stop-shop for those on a gluten free diet, and to make shopping quicker by pre-assessing foods for their potential suitability for those that are gluten intolerant or have Coeliac disease. See less