Assessments Manager - Psychometrist, Cognitive Specialist and Academic Coach
The Nectar Group is a cognitive training and tutoring company based in Greenwood Village, Colorado. Our team of professionals dedicates itself to helping others reach their full potential at school, work, and home. We provide all levels of assessments-including psychoeducational and diagnostic testing, cognitive training, tutoring, study skills and executive function coaching, college prep, and educational consultations to create comprehensive plans that help you or your child overcome learning, memory, and processing challenges. We treat the root causes of learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, auditory processing disorder, and post-concussive syndrome. We also provide all levels of customized homeschool support services. We provide complimentary second opinions, outside test reviews, and initial consultation to help you determine the best next steps for your family...either with us or with a referral to another program or therapy if we are not the correct fit. ALL services are provided remotely through our unique eCoaching services. We are excited to serve your family wherever you may be geographically!