Alpha Singapore is a non-profit organisation that exists to help churches and groups to use Alpha. Our national office is part of a global team, residing in more than 70 countries.The Alpha Course began at Holy Trinity Brompton in central London, United Kingdom in the late 1970s, initially as a means of presenting the basics of the Christian faith to new believers in a relaxed and informal setting.By 1990, Alpha became a central feature of the church's life when former lawyer Nicky Gumbel realised how this simple course could also appeal to non-churchgoers. He adapted the course to give it the feel that would suit this group.The use of Alpha spread during the 1990s, initially in the UK and then internationally, as more churches and groups found it a helpful way to answer questions about the Christian faith in an informal setting. Today, Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God. It is a tool built for local churches based on hospitality, sharing and open conversations. It is run all over the world by Christians of all major traditions and denominations to provide an expression of proclamation, service and witness. Millions of people have experienced Alpha in more than 100 countries and over 100 languages around the globe.