Local Commercial Property Management Company, Leasing Office, Retail, Commercial, Industrial and Self Storage Suites in the Fargo Moorhead Area. Founded in 2020 as Martins Properties, LLC and grew into M.I.G. Properties in 2014. M.I.G. Properties is the "Brand name" while each individual property is owned under a separate LLC under the M.I.G. Properties heading. At M.I.G. Properties we have successfully taken several vacant and underachieving properties neglected by others, and turned them around into profitable entities. We have a good tenant mix ranging from new startup companies, to long established companies and an assortment of chain companies.We strive to offer exceptional service at fair and reasonable prices keeping our occupancy high with vacancy and turnover low. With our in House ability to fit up spaces and manage renovation projects, we are able to meet a need of new and existing customers and complete projects quickly helping all parties become more profitable.