Sales & Marketing Manager at Cleveland Jewish Publication Company - Beachwood, Beachwood, US
Cleveland Jewish News | Jstyle | Canvas | Balanced Family | Bar•Bat Mitzvah | SOURCEThe Cleveland Jewish Publication Co. is organized for the purpose of performing a public service to the Jewish community of Northeast Ohio and shall:Provide the Jewish community of Northeast Ohio with a quality weekly newspaper which will fully present local, national and world news of Jewish interest.Offer commentary, interpretation and background on events of the day, as a means of stimulating the concern and response vital to the fulfillment of our responsibilities as Americans and Jews.Enrich the cultural life both of individuals and the community through the presentation of features, articles, reviews and other material of Jewish content and interest.Provide a variety of forms of communication to enable members of the community to express their viewpoints on matters of Jewish interest. The Company may also provide the Jewish community of Northeast Ohio with other communications vehicles (e.g. website, magazines and community events) that further the Company's mission.The Company is not affiliated with any one program, organization, movement, or point of view within Jewish life, but expects to give expression to all phases of that life. The Company is completely independent. It is committed to the progress and continuity of Jewish life and to the democratic traditions which have made our country a blessed land.