Imagine a world of people doing what they love. We are empowered through our work. So many people are stuck in jobs that don't motivate them because they don't know what else is out there. And so many incredible startups and businesses struggle for lack of the right talent.Our founding mission at Jobsuitors is to solve this labor market problem once and for all. The key factor that's missing is inefficient access to data. Jobseekers don't know what they're truly qualified for, and employers don't know where to find the most qualified people.Jobsuitors' ultimate goal is to fully eliminate these information asymmetries in our labor market. We do this by instantly and automatically matching every jobseeker with their ideal employer.This is not a simple process, nor is the road an easy one, but our experience thus far has proven that there is a present and growing hunger for this approach. Jobsuitors' mission, our product, our team, and our growing ranks of supporters have come together to satisfy that hunger.