Applied Surface Technologies is the exclusive South and North American Distributor for SURA Instruments GmbH (Pyrosil) and Vindico Surface Technologies B.V. Pyrosil - A proprietary flame treatment technology which deposits Silicon Oxide onto substrates to improve adhesion and durability of inks, coatings, enamels, paints, adhesives, epoxies and more. Used By: - Glass and plastics container industry to increase surface tension and improve the printing surface - but more importantly - Pyrosil improves adhesion and durability of inks to plastic and glass - far beyond conventional flame treatment. - Automotive industry uses Pyrosil as a surface preparation to improve bonding and durability of adhesives used on aluminum bodied automobiles. The technology is so well proven that BMW and Jaguar require their factory authorized body shop facilities to use Pyrosil as a pre-treatment process. Vindico - A glass coatings solution company that offers numerous products to improve specific traits of glass: - Vindico N - Hydrophobic coating for showers and windows - Vindico HP - Hydrophilic coating used for exterior glass and solar - Vindico PV+ - Increases watt peak of photovoltaic panels - Vindico renovation products