We are a digital marketing company unlike any other. Our core focus, generating REVENUE for our clients. Not leads, not clicks, not views…REVENUE.We focus on the Customer Experience online. It starts with great CEx. Great CEx — short for Customer Experience — is essential to the success of any business. Our mission is to give your customers mind- blowing CEx by revolutionizing the way they find information on the web (and to make incessant double entendres along the way).Studies show that user-friendly websites with great CEx consistently perform better, rank higher, and generate more income for their owners. To that end, we use bleeding edge technology and Reactive Content to anticipate the needs of your visitors.What is Reactive Content?Imagine the receptionist at your dentist's office greeting you in the same way every day – with the same words, inflections, and gestures – every time you show up for an appointment. With few exceptions, websites today are exactly this one-dimensional, serving the same content and experience to every single user, day in and day out. They ignore the differences in their visitors, and slowly and seldom adjust to the world around them.Now, imagine a website that is dynamic – almost alive – serving up content that is relevant to you by anticipating the reason for your visit. Reactive websites, like the ones we build, deliver content that is most relevant to you by considering such factors as:The time of day you visitWhere you are locatedHow you arrivedThe search terms you enteredHow you interact with the siteStatic, one-dimensional websites – even those that are updated daily – are a thing of the past. You and your customers are going to start demanding a more intelligent and engaging experience, one that AlphaMind Studios is uniquely positioned to deliver.