Jackson & Hertogs is a corporate immigration firm that represents mid-cap, large-cap and start up companies and their employees. Our service philosophy is simple. We obtain approval of applications and petitions from immigration and labor authorities within the shortest period of time and as economically as possible. Utilizing the latest office technology and a team of highly trained personnel, our goal is to provide the shortest possible turnaround time -- without compromising the quality of our work.In the fast moving world of immigration, it is vital to keep abreast of the most recent court decisions, proposed regulatory and policy changes that might affect our clients' needs, as well as our ability to service those needs. We maintain a complete immigration law library, and our attorneys are active in the immigration bar and are frequent speakers in the area of immigration law and procedure.Although our attorneys may emphasize one or more areas of immigration law, our clients are served by, and are clients of, the entire firm. This approach, coupled with our specialization, permits us to serve the large corporation as well as families and individuals.Based in San Francisco's Jackson Square, we have clients all over the country.