Loop Engineering is a dynamic and expanding building services engineering consultancy based in London offering high quality, low carbon MEP design and project management services. Loop Engineering offers MEP services for infrastructure, new buildings and upgrade projects, with a focus on innovative, low energy solutions. We design for commercial offices, data centres, hotels, mixed-use projects, residential and retail projects.Loop Engineering focuses on developing and maintaining trusting relationships with our clients. We do this by offering a personalised, responsive and consistent service, and reliable technical expertise. To maintain these relationships we know that we need to understand and add value to our clients' businesses.DESIGN SERVICES:Mechanical engineeringElectrical engineeringPublic health engineeringMEP Project ManagementSite appraisalBuilding Evaluations and ComparisonsProject appraisalPortfolio appraisalCritical facilities and Data Centre Bench markingSite infrastructureSustainable designDue diligenceRisk appraisalResilience reviewDevelopment of facility dashboardsEmployer's requirementsEnergy studiesEnvironmental impactValue engineeringMaintenance planningWhole life evaluationCarbon consultancyFire servicesAcousticsVertical transportationEmail:info@loopengineering.comTel:+44 (0) 207 489 2005