Mageba Megalight Engineering was formed in 2010 and is a 60% woman owned jointly owned by Sales and Marketing Director Dora Zulu and Electrical Engineer Director Bheki Zulu. MME provides electrical and instrumentation operations, support services and is a known supplier to clients throughout South Africa including mining, power generation and Industrial Industries Mageba Megalight Engineering is locally based in (WITBANK). We are a call away and operate 24/7 to ensure non loss of down time to our valued clients. Thinking ahead makes innovation possible. We are looking for commitment and ideas in everything we do in order to make the best solutions. Innovation is the essence; it is innovation that makes Mageba Megalight Engineering unique. We stand out because of our ability to constantly crate new solutions to the ever changing and dynamic world of today. We meet every challenge and we are never afraid of taking the initiative. Remaining true and resolute to our ideas is the basis for the on-goingrenewal; hence we focus and have the vision of growth in various provinces of South Africa.