First Coast Computer Repair and Networking began serving small businesses and residential clients around the Jacksonville and surrounding area in early 2004. Since then we have grown a huge client base with an outstanding reputation for its professional services and support, as well as time-critical installations. Over all we specialize in support as well as web-design and hardware installations and we don't stop there. We will take on any project you bring to us with in a timely manner.The number 1 question customers ask us is: What do you guys do? To put it simply we handle Residential Computer and network problems as well as small to medium businesses with a contract or call by call basis. That means from a customer standpoint if your computers broken we can fix it. If your internet isn't working, we can fix it. If your website needs help, we can better it. If you need your home of business networked and or wireless as well as secured we can handle that, and so on.