Catalyst Economic Consulting provides bespoke litigation support and economic expert witness testimony. We excel at conducting the complex causal analysis commonly required in class action litigation, damages analysis, valuation, and securities fraud and class action litigation. Our testifying expert witnesses translate complex economic analyses into easily understood testimony. This testimony has proven pivotal in settlement, arbitration and mediation, regulatory inquiries and internal investigations, and at trial.Dr. Andrew Roper, founder of Catalyst Economic Consulting, has provided expert witness testimony and litigation consulting services to AMLAW 100 clients for over a decade. His testimony has been favorably cited in case rulings in a variety of matters including, Security Fraud and Security Class Actions, Class Certification, Damages and Economic Valuation. Dr. Roper taught at the Stanford School of Law, the University of Wisconsin, and Duke University. Our founder helped design and teach the nation's first course at Stanford Law exploring the role of complex economic, financial, and statistical analyses in class certification and class action litigation. Dr. Roper has ranked in the top 10% of downloaded authors on the leading repository of academic research and has published in peer reviewed journals.